Wish me Luck…

I took the plunge and entered the Royal Academy of Arts Summer exhibition! I only saw it advertised about four days before the deadline and kept talking myself out of it as I would literally have to paint a picture from scratch to match the theme of ‘Climate’. But… I stopped dithering and actually committed to doing it! It consisted of four extremely late nights of painting but I did it! Woo hoo. This is my submission called ‘Heaven on Earth’ and I designed it to celebrate how lucky we are to live on such a beautiful planet but the message is also that we must protect and look after her - hence the heart-shaped sun, well in fact it’s full of hearts! I I tried to include most of the weather elements, see what I did with the Rainbow? I love that is a rainbow ribbon holding up the sun, and there’s glittery rain too!

I find out in April if I’ve made the first cut… wish me ‘Luck’!. Do you think my surname will help me ha ha!


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My Beauties Drying…