Hello, my name is Nicky.

I am a painter and illustrator who is obsessed with hearts, stars and glitter - you will see they feature hugely in my illustrations and paintings. I love to make my art look magical. I think I secretly want to live in Narnia! My love for all things ethereal and dreamy is definitely reflected in the landscapes, flowers, trees and hearts that I love to paint.

My drive, inspiration (and number one fan) is my little boy Stanley who is now six - he’s quite the art critic and also quite the artist himself!

I started adding the hashtag #sharealittlelove to my social media years ago and that really is what I want to do - my hope is for my art to bring a little piece of magic and love to whoever buys it - to share a little piece of love, through my art, piece by piece. My dream is to share my art with the world.

People buy art for many reasons. Some want to add beauty to their surroundings, to feel good, to add colour, to smile, to reflect, to remember. Small things but so important in today’s world. As an artist to be part of this reaction, however small, is humbling.

My favourite answer as to why someone chose a particular painting…

… ‘because it was supposed to live with me. It said so’.

You can shop my original paintings here.

You can shop my prints here.

My Story

Even though I have painted and created my entire life, professionally I have worked as a Graphic Designer, a Personal Assistant, a Children’s Mural Painter and Wedding Stationery Designer. But painting is and always will be my passion.

I am a self-taught artist and painted many commissions over the years. I accredit my amazing evening-class teacher Peter Wait, who has since sadly passed, with constantly encouraging me to exhibit my work - so here I am (albeit about 15 years late!)! He described my paintings as ‘Disney meets Japan ’ which to me was, and still is, the biggest compliment.

Although influenced by the beauty of so many everyday things, my imagery source and reference comes from my imagination. Blue trees, purple hills and floating flowers working together to create mystical, beautiful landscapes. I paint in acrylic, mainly on canvas and throw in a bit of glittery magic too.

After losing my beautiful mum to Cancer in 2006 it was through painting that I found a tiny glimmer of solitude and peace. I put my heart and soul into every painting and and each piece of art I create represents my life and my journey so far.

I had my beautiful little boy later in life (age 43). Seeing the world through his eyes has opened up a whole different stream of creativity in me I never knew I had. The joy I get from seeing him paint and create is just immeasurable and he literally loves every single piece of art I paint!

Thank you for being here. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for commissions or any questions you may have regarding my art or head straight to my shop for original paintings or to my print shop.


“Your art is full of happiness, love and warmth. It makes me smile.”

- Carly from London