My Beauties Drying…

I have to be honest, varnishing is my least favourite part of painting. I have over the years completely ruined paintings by being too impatient and not researching my varnish properly. But after many tests and experiments I now have my ‘go-to’ brand that I use, Windsor & Newton.

Because my paintings are mixed media and my secret glitter potion I use creates a slightly raised profile, it is best to use a spray. Which means I can only do this outside as I don’t currently have a studio space (note to self, I am busy manifesting this!). But which means my days to varnish are weather-dependent! I have been having a mini panic as it’s been far too cold outside to varnish anything - but this weekend I managed to seize the first window of opportunity I had to varnish these beauties. I really must get myself a proper mask! Talk about steamy glasses, I literally had to hold my breath during each spray!

This is the first time I have shown my entire ‘Hearts and Stars’ collection together and I LOVE each and every painting and I am so proud of them, they are absolutely everything I envisaged. I am so excited about them finding new homes.

Only nine days till launch day - 3 February 2022. Don’t forget to get first access to shop the collection you can join my #sharealittleloveclub.


Wish me Luck…


To do or not to do! That is the question…