So much to do… so little time!

As you know this is my first ever collection release, but I didn’t have a website so I have challenged myself to build my new website at the same time! Why or why did I choose to do both together, I think I was motivated by it is ‘now or never’ approach. No time is the right time, so I have set myself a HUGE challenge to say the least. I am using Squarespace to create my new website which is brilliant, but still a very steep learning curve for me. Don’t get me started on connecting my domain name, of course mine didn’t work first time and I had to give myself a crash course in manually entering the dns server settings! It hurt my head - a lot!

I have spoken about feeling a mixture of excitement but fear! Mainly excitement I think. I am so excited to finally have a website that people can view my art and learn a little bit about me and the stories behind my paintings. That part is amazing. Fear that no one will buy the art. But… even if that happens I have set myself on the right path I KNOW this deep down, I can feel it. And the right people will find me and become collectors of my art. I have said many times that art is an emotional response and the right people will find me and my art - it’s just a matter of time.

Nicky x


To do or not to do! That is the question…


Listening to my art…