Listening to my art…

I love picking names for my paintings. Usually a name will pop into my head right away, sometimes I put the painting up where I can see it each day and wait to see what it says to me. Sounds funny doesn’t it? But art really does have a voice, it speaks to you. That’s why people buy art isn’t it, it evokes an emotion or a special memory within the person looking at it and that is why art is so subjective. I bought the most gorgeous MacKenzie Thorpe print of the ‘Love Cat’ about 25 years ago and I still love it as much this day as I did the day I bought it, but I have had friends literally laugh at me. Why did I want to have a huge picture of a big fat ginger cat in my house? But I can tell you that it brings me absolute joy each and every time I look at it and it also reminds me of my late mum as we bought it together.

That’s what I want my art to do too. My wish is that whoever buys my paintings will feel joy and happiness when they look at them and that they are reminded of how loved they are.

My favourite quote below sums it up perfectly…

My Favourite answer as to why someone chose a particular painting - ‘because it was supposed to live with me. It said so’.


So much to do… so little time!


Busy taking photos…