Share a little love this Christmas…

I cannot tell you how much joy creating this collection gave me. I loved illustrating each little design for the cards and deciding where the teeny tiny hearts should go.

I have ALWAYS loved sending cards and notes and love pretty stationery so wanted to create a special Christmas collection that can be personalised by you to send to those you love at Christmas. I think I have covered most of the Christmas occasions and couldn’t possibly pick a favourite, altough a couple that really resonate with me are this beautiful stag card, there is just something so magical and majestic about him standing in the snow. And this little hug card is just perfect to send to someone who may be struggling this Christmas and feeling a little alone as Christmas isn’t always a happy time for people. One last one… this little bow card is the perfect sophisticated and understated card to send to those not overly keen on ‘christmassy’ images. There are so many more to choose from too.

Hope you love them and I cannot wait to start personalising them for you.

Each and every card is hand made and hand-foiled by me and full of sooooooo much love, for you to share the love with those you love this Christmas (that’s a lot of love)! #sharealittlelove


Meet Scruffy the pink-breasted robin!


I feel so proud :).