My new collection launch…

14 September 2022 is the launch date of my 2nd painting collection titled ‘True Blue’. I cannot wait to share the entire collection with you all. I may even pluck up the courage to go ‘live’ on Instagram too as I’ve so much to say about each piece.

My #sharealittleloveclub will get first dibs to the collection on the launch date, so if you want to see the paintings first you can join the club here.

Where is the pink? I hear you say. Ha ha, some paintings still have a splash of pink - but when I was planning my next collection of paintings, I very clearly heard ‘True Blue’ - hence the colour scheme!

I’ve soooooooooo much to do to get ready for 14 September - varnishing, framing, photographing, but I’m so excited! I hope you fall in love with this collection of paintings as much as I have loved creating them. #truebluecollection.

Coming soon…

Love Nicky x


She has a name!


My Print Shop is Open! Yay!