It’s been a while…

I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I updated my blog. Life sort of gets in the way doesn’t it! After all I do have a full-time job also, so time spent creating my art as well as trying to market it is mainly VERY late at night and to be honest I’m just getting too old to work into the early hours! ha ha! But… I have promised myself to post regularly to my blog. I don’t even know if any of you are reading it, but it’s a nice way to document where I am in my creative journey to becoming a full-time artist.

I have just sent out my Newsletter to my subscribers with my Valentine’s Day edit of prints and art from my collection that are just PERFECT for Valentine’s Day. And then there’s my first hurdle, Mailchimp are asking me to authenticate my domain, jesus, what does that even mean.?! So most of my time has been spent trying to google and youtube my way out of that problem, I don’t know if I’ve even successfully fixed it even. Anyway, my email has been sent and I’m hoping no one ‘unsubscribes’! Which happens each time I mail out. What do you mean you don’t want to follow my journey or buy my art! (I’m saying that jokingly of course!).

My next creative project I am working on is something I started years ago, I want to offer a service to create wedding logos/motifs/monograms (they are called different things), but using my own hand-drawn designs which are a little playful and quirky, watch this space…

My New ‘Love You’ Red Heart Personalised Print.




Meet Scruffy the pink-breasted robin!